I've been tagged!!! #1
QUESTION#1: What is your favorite dance?
It depends. All time favorite would have to be waltzing, but right now I do not have much opportunity for practicing. The Posties Jig is one of my favorite ones that we do at the contra- dances.
QUESTION#2 What would a perfect day be like for you?
-#1 Being exhausted from having done my work to the best of my ability for the glory of God.
-#2 Spending the time and having fellowship with my friends
-#3 Worshiping at church with the saints
QUESTION#3 Name 8 of your quirks!
-I don't like cottage cheese.
-I like holding a baby 'till we both fall asleep.
-I would rather talk to friends than play games.
-I like out of the ordinary things. Diesel truck run on vegetable oil, the idea of living in a yurt or a tipi, herbal healing, etc.
-I may be a descendant of Ghengis Khan
-I am not fond of automatic transmissions
-I find it hard to listen to classical music while I'm driving
QUESTION#4 What was one of the most vivid dreams you have ever had?
-It was a nightmare. Mom and Dad died in a fire
QUESTION#5 Quote your favorite childhood prayer/scripture.
-Romans Three verse twentythree: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
QUESTION#6 List 8 items that you would put in a time capsule to be opened by your great, great, great grandchildren.
-Journals from their great g.p. x's 2 & 3 with stories of God's faithfulness
-A family tree
-A recipe book with good home made recipe's in it
-Some old coins
-A book of hymns that we sang as a family
-Various pictures of our life, including wedding pictures
QUESTION#7 List 8 things you do to relax!
-Taking a walk,
- or lying on the hood of my truck, and staring at the stars
-talk to friends
-driving really fast
QUESTION#8 Finish these 8 incomplete sentences.
1. Some people think it is amusing when I....Break into random dance at church, while wearing a suit
2. Compared to me, most women/men.....Are either taller or shorter than me
3. I get excited when...I get the chance to do a fancy trim job
4. I would like to make myself.....
5. Mothers can't......
6. My friends don't understand why.....
7. I am confident that......
8. If people only knew how......
List 8 things you do to relax!
Between work, church, home, agrarian aspirations, and work travel to KC, I'm juggling all the time, but it doesn't seem to help me relax.
I like to juggle things. Golf balls, tennis balls, juggling clubs. The latter two like to go clear across the room if they collide.Golf balls don't go near as far if you mess up, but they hurt if they hit you. I have not yet ventured into juggling torches yet, mostly from the fact that I don't have any. One of the things that I am working on when I do practice (which hasn't been very much lately), is juggling with a blindfold on. So far, that is not something that I do to relax... (hehe) But the others are relaxing. I think that it is from the fact that you have to focus on juggling, not worrying about something.
Dishes were my daily chore for six+ years. They weren't always relaxing, but I learned to like them. I don't do them much anymore, but the sink is a familiar place. That may have something to do with it being kinda relaxing.
-I like holding a baby 'till we both fall asleep.
I know I've got photographic evidence of that (I don't remember it, 'cause I feel asleep), but despite searching through 20 of our 25 photo albums, and thousands of pictures, I couldn't find the ones I was looking for. Oh, well. I like that, too.
You learn something everyday. I guess one might say that a yurt is a sukkot.
I really like to do dishes to relax as well. You feel like you are accomplishing something and that you can think about things with out being distracted by your work.
Those are good answers. You are planning on doing the rest of them, right?
Yes I plan to finish the questionnaire. I plan on the second one as well.
I'm glad you changed it too. It's less confusing this way.
Whenever I think of yurts I think of Ghenghis Khan. :-)
LOL. I have never seen a picture of Ghenghis Khan, but I did get a good lagh out of it.
LOL! I was not comparing Ghenghis Khan and Luke! Honest!
The first time I heard about yurts, though, was in my elementary school history textbook discussing the Mongol Hordes invasion of...somewhere.
My favorite dance is the Perichoresis!
Until lately, I have not had a very big selection of classical music, and it was not driving music. Too... slow or something.
Oh, yes I am quite sure.:-) We have several dairy cows and have many dairy products every day including whole, raw, unadulterated, unchlorinated, unhommogenized, glorious, good for you milk. We eat eggs, beef,lamb, pork, chicken, homemade- whole wheat bread, and homemade jams. We sell what we can and eat the rest. We may not make much money, but we eat like kings. I just don't like cottage cheese. That said I will continue to take dominion for the Lord, Jesus Christ.
John D ...
I am presuming the "stickler" comment was in response to my comment at your site. But I'm not sure about the first part of the comment. If it is also in response to my comment at your site, you can reach me at:
jcaudle AT sdgmusic DOT us
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