Taking dominion in tuxedo's
My brothers and I went to battle. In tuxedo's no less. We were asked to call for a formal dance for a church in Pella Iowa. It was a lot of fun. Dances always are. But the formality of it all was particularly fun as we had not done a dance in tuxedo's before.
As we were discussing the dance with the pastor he brought up the point that we were fighting gnostic thinking. We were waging war agianst the enemy, dressed in tuxedo's, having a ball (pun inteneded:-)! Can it get much better? Yes you can be a Christian and dance. Being a Christian does not mean you must totally avoid the things that the world has taken and used improperly. It is taking them back and doing them well, in moderation, to the glory of God. Doing things like dancing and drinking without being ruled by them is one way that we can show the world that we are different.
My brothers have a picture or two on their blogs
AND you educated a poor clueless soul about carpet grain! My life has been changed.
Did Pastor Jeff ever mention that the message of the Gospel is to throw down your weapons and come out with your hands up? He really loves the metaphor of warfare.
Dancing? Not with members of the opposite sex? shockgaspsurprise We can DO that?
Of course we can. Thank God for the Trinity (okay, that sounds weird, though probably not any weirder than saying "thank God for mercy" or "Thank God for love" or anything else pertaining to or related to God)! After all, I don't think we'd dance, 'specially not contra-dancing if we weren't Trinitarians.
Tuxes are just so classy; I'd almost like be a guy just to be able to wear one. :-) But maybe not. (A women shall not wear anything that pertaineth to a man...does that include tuxedos?)
I too like warfare metaphors.
Not only having thrown down our weapons, but sitting down to a feast that our Lord has provided (communion)worshiping our Lord while our confused enemies are pounding their sheilds to the beat of "We will rock you" wondering why we are not getting up to fight.
But in the end it is the faithful worshiping of God, through the church, that will ultimately win the battle, transform cultures, and take dominion for His Majesty's Kingdom
Too true... It was a blessing to watch Dora eating the bread and drinking the wine yesterday-- it's amazing that she gets to participate at her age! Last summer when RC jr was at out church, he talked about his daughter who cannot speak and so could not participate in communion-- and I think I've never seen so many eyes fill with tears at once! The grace and peace that is imparted through the covenant renewal service is amazing. Fellowship with the bretheren is my greatest joy.
And speaking of which... will your family be at Cornerstone this weekend?
Yes, we will.
Will you?
At least my brother J will be helping josh call the ball.
Trying this again...
Huzzah! We will be there in full form, along with 3 Rothfus girls and Jon, and Pastor and Mrs. Harlow. This will be my 9th time I've gotten to go to Carbondale! Although, only my 5th conference..
Looking forward to seeing you!! (so much so that you get TWO exclamation points. Feel special; you are)
As a transcendent being and/or minion throng, I have come back! But it is not to fall adoringly at your feet (who knows where your shoes have been today anyways, you Missourian!), but merely to tell you that we have decided to honor you by naming our newest dance after you.
Either you can sleuth it out or guess the name. Don't anybody tell him!
Because someone seems to have made the suggestion that I was too chicken to comment on your blog or something, I am once more doing so.
The dance we have named "for you" (in a round-about fashion) is about as marvelous as any dance ever. You should be proud.
Is it possible to describe? I doubt it. It's horrendously complicated. We threw together five contra-dances with various stuff in the center to make the transition from one dance to the next. It's danced to Siamsa from the Lord of the Dance and therefore is wickedly awesome, so to speak.
You'll just have to travel up to Iowa and learn it from us. :)
Oh no! Not the Russians! :-P
Well, I don't think you could stay at our house. I mean, what if you decided you wanted to try the Guiness trick (or even worse, Diet Coke and Mentos) for yourself.
Alright. Some of you "minions" better scatter, before you arouse my fierceness. I'm very protective of my "very good looking young men". You just take your little aardvarkish eyes off them, and stop coveting what's not yours!
I know how to drive TOO, and could actually get there without getting lost! =P
My sister says that she only said he (Jedediah) was a very nice looking young man because she felt bad for comparing him to a Lutheran aardvark. If you'd prefer we could say that he has squinty eyes and his hair looks far too much like Wesley Crusher's for comfort.
However, I remain convinced that Jedediah has very nice aardvark eyes. I'm not sure if they are very nice person eyes, but they make very nice aardvark eyes. To my knowledge I have never called Micah or Luke (or Joe, or even Hananiah for that matter) very good looking, but if I have I take it back!
You give up easily. Wow. That was too easy...Hmm...
Han, Have you been sent the "Funky socks exchange"? let me know.
I give up too easily? I'm a humble minion and do as I'm told. (actual I'm not a minion, we're a minion throng) I suppose we need to start using the plural don't we precious. Being a one-(wo)man-throng is hard.
Are you saying that they are not good looking? That is a higher offence.....
Fine, the brothers B-- are all moderately, but not extremely good-looking, despite of (or perhaps on account of) the fact that some of them do have aardvark eyes. Is that good?
Katie B-- is of course, extremely good-looking because I'm not likely to get in trouble for saying that.
Oh, yeah, Han and I have both been sent the "funky socks exchange" thingy.
Thanks for letting me know about the socks "thingy". I need more friends... (joking)
And, no, I won't get you in trouble for commenting on my immense beauty. It really is such a hassle to deal with, being pretty.
I still think you should make up your oppinion about my men, and quit being so flippant. I mean, be of virtue, and stick up for your oppinions! Of course, unless someone enlightens you to error in your thinking, and so forth...
Well. Fine. :-)
I think your brothers are genuinely nice people (though not half so charming as you), and when a boy is genuinely nice, there is no way he could be anything but a shining knight, regardless of what he actually looks like.
Of course, shining knights have been known to wear helmets (hint, hint, Jedediah). No, just kidding, they need not wear helmets.
Of course, you could send the funky socks letter to me again, I wouldn't mind... I have lots of mailable (not mail-orderable) friends, probably because I am wishy-washy.
It really is such a hassle to deal with, being pretty.
No kidding. Almost everyday I wonder what it would be like to not have to live with this burden.
No, no, no. Send the 5 dollars to ME. 'sides, how biblical is a girl protecting her brothers? Why else would God send Dad and Momma three boys before having a girl with immense beauty?
'sides, how biblical is a girl protecting her brothers?
Maybe not particularly biblical, but very natural. You don't know how many girls I've had to beat of my brothers of late; they're (the girls) just pounding down the door to get to them.
Send the 5 dollars to ME.
Oh, I couldn't do that. You would probably squander it on the drink or buy a lottery ticket or something wicked like that.
#1- We're not perfect.
#2- If he's brave enough to ask for her hand with a scary looking dad and three older brothers watching over, than he's at least worth considering.
If he's brave enough to ask for her hand with a scary looking dad and three older brothers watching over, than he's at least worth considering.
True. I'm always afraid my dad will do to any guy (that comes asking for me) what Eldol did to the traiterous Saxon, Hengist, in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain: "Thereupon Eldol took his sword, led Hengist outside the city, and packed him off to Hell by cutting off his head."
"--and packed him off to Hell by cutting off his head."
That would seem to suggest what you think of the guys interested in you...if they're headed for the land down-under....
That would seem to suggest what you think of the guys interested in you...if they're headed for the land down-under....
I think I will purposefully misinterpret that and say that I have always admired Australian accents and that I would not mind an Australian guy although please not Jeff from the Wiggles.
MBIM, do you have any mail-order catalogs for Australian men? I'd be willing to pay up to $1.17 more if he has aardvark eyes.
Have you got anyone's with aardvark noses? I hear they come cheap.
errr..."have you got anyone's" *any ones...Heh heh
Cow eyes... hmmm... Well, as long as he isn't left-handed I'll probably be happy.
Left-handed men are just so... unwilling to do the best things, like learn how to play the trumpet or smush their hair into looking normal.
Gaah! My terrible typing and/or spelling killed the conversation! I feel like a murderer!
Is this a dagger I see before me?
Oh. It's not dead. Go figure.
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(never even mind what I said. What I meant to say, is...
what are we doing? We should all be in bed.)
--- no, its in my left hand!
How sinister!
It feels good to know I'm not a killer.
By the way, never give me sharp things. I'm a danger to myself.
Um... Don't you know that the one with hair that you so admire is left handed?
I don't believe she admires his hair. The correct word would probably be fears.
Katie, Diah's hair scares me so much I am going to stay away from your church next weekend even though I was given the opportunity to go!
(actually... no, I wasn't given the opportunity. I really wanted to go, but I'm committed to a lot of performances on Saturday...6, to be exact. But goodness knows everything within me wants to come visit y'all. But for right now I will hold onto the fact that we were with each other today when we all ate the Body together.)
Han said...
... I have come back ... merely to tell you that we have decided to honor you by naming our newest dance after you.
Either you can sleuth it out ...
The Ghengis gig?
The Ghengis gig?
Good guess, but no. It has more to do with something weird Luke said and something weird he wears.
Nope, no helmets. But ir's metal! You guys are so good at this...
Bingo! You're just too smart!
It's something special about a particular belt-buckle. And you'll never guess the silly thing he got confused about. So we will tell you the first word in the dance's name is Schlock's.
Well... actually, the "thing" it is isn't a dance term. When somebody does something mean to you, and you get back at them, you take this.
Good job!!! *applauds*
It needed a big name, because it's a big dance. It's not a real contra, even, because it doesn't repeat itself. It combines two dances Sarah and I wrote, the Petronella, the Virginia Reel (well, that's a little subjective. It's really not the Virginia Reel at all), the New Hoosier, and the Gay Gordon. And it has some extra transitional moves, like the basket, which has got to be the best contra-dance move ever! It's amazingly fun!
mybelovedismine said...
Ah, you mean: "Schlock's Revenge on Valhalla"!
The answer key was posted here.
Marvelous job, everyone! I do love a good guessing game.
By the way, I am thinking I shall Lord willing see some of you tomorrow (be afraid, be very afraid), I shall be travelling down to your pastor's installation service with my pastor and his wife. Ha-ha!
Lucky Luke, to have a dance with such a memorable name dedicated to him. But the question that comes to mind is, what did Valhalla do to Schlock?
How exciting, Sarie! I've never met a minion before. :-)
It is indeed a privilege to have met the minion.
I feared that we might be overwhelmed, but the transcendent being did not accompany the minion, so the entourage was less intimidating, being as there was only one of the two who was part of it.
Good to meet you, Sarie. :)
This transcendent being was busy running through the streets in her band uniform.
Actually, that is a very invigorating activity-- everyone should try it.
As an example of how Sarah is not a transcendent being, and only a lowly minion-- she forgot to take teh camera I bought for her.
(and in case you are wondering where you can get a band uniform, we will be selling our old ones for $25. Band students get first dibs. (Uniform #117, here I come!)
As an example of how Sarah is not a transcendent being, and only a lowly minion-- she forgot to take teh [sic] camera I bought for her.
Yes. She confessed as much to us as she utilized JBB's digital camera to capture our images for Xanga release.
Can transcendent beings run through streets? Seems much more like the sort of thing for a minion throng to do.
Well, transcendent beings do it only while wearing band uniforms. The rest of the time they refuse to do anything in the street except dance and drive.
You dance in the street?
You dance in the street?
Correct. For three days a year they actually block of the street for us to dance on it, or rather for the young people of our town to dance on. Or rather the young people who have learned "traditional Dutch dances" and are wearing "authentic" Dutch costumes. People pay to see it. That's not to say that we get paid, but people do actually pay for seats to see that among other things. Our town is a tourist trap!
You dance in the street?
Correct. For three days a year they actually block of the street for us to dance on it, or rather for the young people of our town to dance on. Or rather the young people who have learned "traditional Dutch dances" and are wearing "authentic" Dutch costumes. People pay to see it. That's not to say that we get paid, but people do actually pay for seats to see that among other things. Our town is a tourist trap!
So it posted twice. Wicked thing!
Yes, actually, if those of that have visited Pella will recall the street the Windmill Cafe is on, that's where we dance.
Don't forget, Sarah, when it gets late at night I like to go out and dance under the street lights!
Now, the Swetnams, they're even insaner. The first time they visited, we all went out and lay in the middle of the road to look at the stars. Although, all the guys "stood guard" so it was pretty safe. But, then again, do YOU trust any Joe B? (Joe Bailey being one of the guys standing guard)
ramble ramble.
My sister will kill me if I don't get around to this. Therefore, people of the B- family, Joseph especially, If you would care to let us see the pictures I took my email is s roorda (at) gmail (dot) com
Can you make sense of that? I don't care to have random spammers pick it up. (No spaces in the address...okay?)
Of course, if you don't want to show me the pictures. Fine! See if I care!
Oh, and while we're talking about pictures... any pictures you could send us of the Cornerstone conference/ball would be lovely (especially if Katie is in them. :-) And if anyone wants to see our pictures, visit my albums at www.photobucket.com. The username is bonkandclonk and the password is mushroom2. Don't ruin my account...
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
People who do not update for over two months should not be allowed to have blogs, even if their brother *does* have aardvark eyes.
People who do not update for over two months should not be allowed to have blogs...
Blogging for the sake of blogging is rarely as interesting as blogging because of some thought, insight, or event.
But I suppose pestering is part of being a Minion Throng, right, Sarie? :-)
Maybe Luke is fresh out of ideas... I will give him one.
*ponders deeply*
All right. And here is the question: Why are you a finish carpenter? Not why do you enjoy it, but how did you get here? Did you wake up one morning and say, "WOW! I feel like learning some carpenting!!" or was it more subtle? Or was it a mistake and you ACTUALLY wanted to be a pirate? Would you be a good pirate? Could you dance hornpipes then? Is there a dance for carpenters? (I know there's one for welders... hee, hee) Tell the world, they might want to know!
That's a good start.
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