Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I was in a weird mood when I posted last.
"Score" does not do justice to the work that the young ladies did in Missiissippi.
They would work all day,(some of them in a hot trailer straightening tools) and still have an awesome dinner prepared for us when we got back. Not to mention breakfast and lunch. And they did it with such a joyful attitude. The blessing they were to us was incredible. They were not out there fixing up houses, but our work was very much affected by their kindness.
It was like Sunday afternoon all week.


At 7:48 PM, Blogger Han said...

"It was like Sunday afternoon all week."

Henry James said "Summer afternoon-- the two most beautiful words in the English language... "

but "Sunday afternoon" is so much more beautiful. Thank you for reminding us.

I like the way you spelled "Missiissippi" but it would be better if it was "Miissiissiippi". :o)

At 7:18 AM, Blogger A. Victoria said...

I am glad to hear that the Lord blessed your time and that you all had good food. :)

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Han said...


As I write this, you are speeding down a highway somewhere, with the windows rolled down, probably with your eyes closed, praying that Diah won't hit anything for at least another 5 miles, so you can fall asleep before you have to die.

I have forgiven you for your criminal actions, and they shall be cleaned from the record. It doesn't matter that they were only imaginary, it's still good to get them off my conscience.

We just watched a tape from the ball... considering the age of the cameramen, I should not have been surprised, but I was. It was astoundingly.... nauseating!

To conclude, thank you for coming, it was marvelous, wonderful, beautiful, special, and now you must invite us to come visit you, so you can make fun of us excessively!

The Lord keep you!

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Sarie said...

Dear Reformed Ex-Convict,

Thanks for coming! We had a wonderful time (if tiring, I'm sorry we made you so "irate" :D ).

Give your sisters my greetings (salutations, felicitations, etc.) if you would be so kind, although after the way we treated you...well, we can't expect much....

We have prayed for you, and considering that Diah was driving it was probably necessary.

Invite us down there sometime! Maybe we'll stop making fun of the Springfield area if we got to go down there more often (like ever).

At 11:33 AM, Blogger A. Victoria said...

Just letting everyone know that I have a new blogger address.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Sarie said...

Honestly, if you and Micah and Jedediah were to all post within a week of each other would the world end?

Probably. :D

Say! I like commenting on your blog more than your brothers'. There's no silly verification thing to make you type long nonsense words. (*cough* it's not as if *cough* I have on my *cough* blog).

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I remember Mississippi because there are lots of great men's church suit that I've bought before in that place and I want to go back.


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