Thursday, November 02, 2006

Teach me Thy law

I have been listening to scripture on my way to and from work the last several days. It has really been a joy to have that much scripture going through my head, and it gives you something to think about at work. I drive at least fourty five minutes each way, and with most of the chapters in psalms being less than two minutes, I have listened to the first fourty chapters of Psalms twice, the book of Esther, and started First Samuel.
If you really want a challenge, start praying through the book of Psalms. And make it personal, and inserting Me or I where it would be appropriate. Sometimes it helps having something like that to pray, and it is a good way to learn how to pray.And no, you can't pray the imprecatory Pslams on your siblings. Just in case you were wondering


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Han said...

And no, you can't pray the imprecatory Pslams on your siblings.

We were wondering if it would be okay to pray them about your siblings...?

No, not really... just kidding.

You are right about Psalms. They are not just a place of comfort but a challenge. I guess it takes a guy to see that. :-P

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Sarie said...

The Psalms are pretty awesome! (to put it mildly.) Then again, maybe awesome is the word I'm looking for. (Words do get dumbed down by over-use, sadly.)

Of course, I'm told that the imprecatory Psalms are ideal for singing while slaughtering chickens. Or something.

I've never tried to pray the imprecatory Psalms about my siblings. But that sounds like the sort of thing you would think of. But your exactly right; we're supposed to pray for our enemies! :-D

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Han said...

And oh, by the way, imprecatory Pslams? Tee-hee... great pun!

At 12:14 PM, Blogger natalie said...

Good post, Luke!

Han, if you weren't my twin I would be plotting your imminent demise, caused by Lithuanian hitmen or rare odorless Australian powdered poisons! I completely missed that AWFUL pun, seeing only a typo, and you had to go and point it out, didn't you? *groan* *makes faces*
I'll forgive you, but only because you're my twin. ;-)

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Han said...

No! Not the Lithuanian hitmen! Now I'm going to have nightmares!

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